Sunday, October 23, 2016

Vocal of the Week - High Fashion

Apparel – another word for clothes, clothing and garments
Example: I don't think you're wearing the right apparel for a funeral.
Trendy – an adjective used to describe someone who is very fashionable or stylish. Comparative – trendier, Superlative – trendiest)
Example: Andrew looks so trendy in his light blue shirt and dark jeans!
Must-haves – highly essential clothes that you must have in your wardrobe this season. Clothing must-haves also comprise the essentials of your wardrobe. 

to have a sense of styleto be aware of your own individual fashion preferences and taste

Example: Marco's sense of style is unique. I can’t think of anyone who dresses the way he does!

to strike a poseto take on a certain position or posture

Example: Sebastian struck a pose in front of the mirror when he was trying on his new suit.

Story Elements

A character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story or other literary work.

The setting of a short story is the time and place in which it happens. Authors often use descriptions of landscape, scenery, buildings, seasons or weather to provide a strong sense of setting.

A plot is a series of events and character actions that relate to the central conflict.

The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a short story. The main character is usually on one side of the central conflict. 

On the other side, the main character may struggle against another important character (man vs. Man), against the forces of nature (man vs. wild), against society, against an evil force, or even against something inside himself or herself (feelings, emotions, illness).

Pumpkin "Carving" Contest!!

Orange and black construction paper
Regular white paper for a template and for
Glue stick

1. Use your regular white paper to create a template of your pumpkin shape and the pumpkin face (or drawing).

2. Use your templates to cut the orange paper and the black paper.

3. Glue your cut paper to your "pumpkin."

4. Achieve glory.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Vocab of the Week - Idioms for Difficult Situations

To hang in there - be patient, carry on, keep trying. "I know you are having a hard time, but hang in there. Exams week is almost over."

To be easier said than done - Not as easy as it appears to be. "We need to get people from both teams to work together." "Easier said than done."

To cut someone some slack - To not judge someone to harshly. "Cut him some slack, he just got back from his honeymoon."

Every cloud has a silver lining - You can find good in every situation. You can also just say "silver lining". "It's be a rough week but the silver lining is that I've shown my bosses how hard I can work."

Pull yourself together - Calm down, clean yourself up, and behave normally. If you see a friend crying and you have to go to class, you might say "Pull yourself together."

Reported Speech Practice

Take notes of what Trump says and change the quotes into reported speech.

Take notes of what the candidates say and change the quotes into reported speech.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Vocab of the Week: Chatting Abbreviations

TTYL - talk to you later

OMW - On my way

LMAO - Laughing my a**(butt) off

YOLO -  You only live once

BRB - Be right back

SMH - Shaking my head.
(You use SMH to react to something that you find so stupid/bad/ridiculous that no words do it justice.)

FYI - For your information
(Information is simply being shared and that no immediate action is required or expected. Can be used to change the subject. HOWEVER, you could get "FYI it's mom's birthday today.")

BTW  - By the way
(Similar to FYI. Also, a way to introduce a new topic or add information. "BTW we have that test on Monday.")

IDK - I don't know

w00t - Whoomp. Hooray! 
(To indicate something good. "w00t, got at A+ on my test")

n00b or noob - newbie
(Someone is a novice at something. Use this when someone does something dumb because he or she has no exeperience.)