Sunday, September 25, 2016

Song of Survival - Reservations

Where was this picture taken? Who are these children?

Native American Reservations
A reservation is an area of land managed by a Native American tribe. There are about 310 reservations in the United States but there are more than 550 tribes. This is because some tribes have more than one reservation, some share reservations, other tribes have no reservation and some tribes are not recognized by the government.
Today, tribes have tribal sovereignty (legal independence). This means that they can have their own laws and even their own money, like an independent country. Different reservations have different systems of government. But reservation law is limited by US federal and state law.

The quality of life on a typical reservation is extremely poor, similar to that of developing countries. Many reservations now have casinos to attract tourists and make money.


Activity: Describe your house to your partner

“Song of Survival” by Red Eagle

We have to learn how to move through a linear society without completely losing ourselves in that greed—in my language, “Naholo” or a "lover of things”.

We are a people of endurance and protectors of the land.
maintaining our traditions
ancient knowledge in our hands and lighting sacred fires
sustaining song and dance
and during all oppression we would stand

This is a song of survival
can you get with this?
indigenous revival
the movement of the people
a revolution tribal
just another song of survival 

You say you just living life
But do you remember where you’re from?
Knowledge of your ancestors and the children yet to come
Do have game to retain the knowledge that the oldest hold as sacred?
How to walk in balance, see clearly and release hate
Why do we emulate what’s popular in a society that wasn’t built for us or even with us in mind so why do we participate in what’s killing us?

This one’s for all the artists and the poets who are saving us.
The B-Boys, rappers, MC’s and turn-tablists. 
The more elements are like medicine. Cultural empowerment. 
So keep your YOLO and swag and watch hip hop devour it. 
The criticism’s out of love for what I know could be better. 
Ceremony is the key that much knowledge beyond measure. 
I conjecture we’re changing the weather. 
Revolutionaries adorn feathers
that have never been idle, manifesting through lectures.
Colonization, assimilation, try to erase us from this nation but we stand here strong singing songs of creation.

Raising up our fists.
Reaching for the stars.
Defiant, we resist.
Remember who we are.

We are a people of endurance and protectors of the land.
maintaining our traditions
ancient knowledge in our hands and lighting sacred fires
sustaining song and dance
and during all oppression we would stand

This is a song of survival
can you get with this?
indigenous revival
the movement of the people
a revolution tribal
just another song of survival.

Spirit over money
Teachings over law
Balance over power
Yeah the empire will fall
Manifest destiny
capitalist exploitation of nature
self-destructive destiny manifested trough hatred
Be careful you could become this.
Don’t take this out of context
Impotent   … sent me from an inferiority complex
Young can do what you want.
Please don’t get defensive 
Just know what you put in the world has definitive consequences.
Change, activists, action is the start. Not by the movement of your mouth but by the manifestation of your heart. People say that they don’t see us. There’s no evidence that we’re here. But when they look at us, they don’t see us they’re only seeing their own fear. No Eiffel Towel here. No ancient towers here. But listen to our heartbeat you can hear it in the drum. You can see us in the land. Where you stand is where we’re from.
Been regaining ancient knowledge and the best is yet to come.

Raising up our fists.
Reaching for the stars.
Defiant, we resist.
Remember who we are.

We are a people of endurance and protectors of the land.
maintaining our traditions
ancient knowledge in our hands and lighting sacred fires
sustaining song and dance
and during all oppression we would stand

This is a song of survival
can you get with this?
indigenous revival
the movement of the people
a revolution tribal
just another song of survival.

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